About Company


We are proud of our people, every one of whom is a ‘whale’ at his/her field and a real universalist in his/her knowledge; and the joint well-coordinated efforts of the whole team allow us to successfully perform tasks aimed at a comprehensive protection of your business. And the more challenging the problem is the more pleasure we have resolving it.

Personal qualities of an advisor often turn to be crucial for the effective resolution of a particular problem. There are reasons why consulting is called “a business of persons”. It is not enough to be a person who performs functions; you need to be a Personality meeting quite a number of requirements.

Only if there are advisors each of whom is a PERSONA tasks aimed at legal protection of your business will be successfully performed.

That is why selection, motivation, professional and personal development of personnel have always been in the limelight in our company.

As a result, a generalized ‘personal’ portrait of our consultant is as follows:

Has at least a 5-year experience of work in his/her area of practice

Has an experience of work in executive position

Has won in professional competitions

Has a brilliant knowledge and is able to apply it in practice

Has an impeccable logic and a flexible mind

Is responsible 

Is courageous and independent in making decisions

Is mobile

Is able to resolve unsolvable problems

All the above qualities are personified in each our employee and characterize the company as a whole.