
Nadezhda Pronina

Nadezhda Pronina Partner, Head of UKEY-Legal Consulting


Nadezhda specializes in corporate law.

Nadezhda graduated from Perm State University with degrees in Law and Economics. In 2011, she received a diploma of St. Petersburg State University under the programme “Mediation. Basic Course” and completed specialised courses in English Law. Nadezhda has the auditor’s certificate and is a member of the Institute of Professional Auditors (IPAR). She is fluent in English.

In 2002, Nadezhda became a founder of UKEY Consulting Company LLC, and is in charge of the company’s Legal Consulting business. Before joining the consulting business, Nadezhda had been the head of legal department at Perm Silicate Panel Plant OJSC, acted as a legal adviser to Permtex, a Russian-American joint venture, and a legal adviser to the Perm branch of Coca-Cola. Today, she has more than 25 years of consulting experience, including 20 years of running her own legal business.

In addition to the general management of UKEY’s Legal Consulting, Nadezhda provides legal support, primarily, to complex business transactions and corporate projects, including legal support of investors into various projects in Russia and abroad. She is engaged in the structuring of merger and acquisition (M&A) transactions under the Russian and foreign law; she also manages and takes part in due diligence projects and drafting of corporate documents, and represents customers in the disputes related to corporate relations.

During her time with the company, Nadezhda has gained the reputation of a disciplined and scrupulous worker, and established herself as an ambitious professional capable of taking responsibility for making decisions on complex issues within her competence. She continuously monitors the current changes in the regulatory framework, and is motivated to improve her professional skills. Nadezhda strictly complies with the corporate rules and regulations and has excellent business communication skills.

In 2002 – awardee of the professional competition “The Best Lawyer of Prikamye”.

In 2013 – 2021 – member of the Qualification Commission of the Perm Krai Bar Association.

In 2015 – awardee of the “Lawyer of the Year – 2015” Award in the “Defenсe” category.
From 2016 – present – member of Perm Professional Lawyers’ Club Non-Profit Partnership.
From 2016 – present – member of Sodruzhestvo Auditors’ Association Non-Profit Partnership.
From 2017 – present – member of the Board of Trustees of Perm State National Research University (PGNIU).

In 2024, Nadezhda was included into the rating of Kommersant newspaper “Leaders of the Legal Services Market 2024” in the category “Corporate Law / Mergers and Acquisitions”