
Marina Rakintseva

Marina Rakintseva Head of Corporate Practice, Leading Consultant


4 years, since 2018

•    Perm State University, Department of Law, degree in Law;
•    Higher School of Economics (Campus in Perm), Department of Economics and Management, degree in Management.

•    Corporate structuring for groups of companies and transactions, supporting any kinds of corporate actions, reorganizations and liquidations, merger and acquisition (M&A) transactions, including those with the participation of foreign elements, tax costs planning;
•    due diligence of companies’ assets, including pre-sale/acquisition due diligence;
•    development of new corporate structures, including those with the participation of foreign companies, while building a unified management system and drafting corporate documents;
•    prevention and resolution of corporate disputes;
•    legal support of foreign companies’ corporate actions in Russia: working with branches/representative offices, participation in the capital of Russian companies;
•    advising Russian residents on the acquisition, ownership and disposal of foreign assets;

•    advising on sanctions legislation, taking into account the adopted international sanctions and Russian countermeasures.